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School News

A fond farewell to Mr Simpson

17th April 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Re: Changes to Senior Leadership at Kilgarth

I am writing to explain some changes to the leadership team at Kilgarth that will take … Read the rest

End of Term Reward Trips

We’re about to start a fresh new term (our pupils back tomorrow!) but would like to share some photos taken by Mr McConnachie, our Art/ICT teacher at the end of … Read the rest

Rugby Tournament

As part of our joint project with the Dallaglio Foundation, all Year 10s and 11s were invited to take part in a ‘Touch’ Rugby tournament.  This involved Kilgarth pupils playing … Read the rest

Bikeability Training


Years 7 & 8 boys were invited to take part in a level 3 cycling proficiency course over two days before the half term. On the first day, the … Read the rest

MacMillan Coffee mornin g

Thank you to parents, carers, governors, pupils & staff for arranging/taking part in our coffee morning. We raised money for a great cause!  Thank you to Ms Hale for organising Read the rest