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School Offer


The Wirral Local Offer sets out what is available for your child if they have special educational needs and or a disability.  You can visit the website to find out more:



  SEND Information Report

 “Always growing, always learning”

(currently under review)




1. How does Kilgarth know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

All pupils that attend Kilgarth School have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education Health Care Plan, which describes their individual areas of special needs and informs their Individual Education Plan. Kilgarth caters for children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties and other associated needs including ASD and Specific Learning Difficulties.

All our pupils are taught in small groups with a specialist teacher and at least one Teaching Assistant support.

 As all classes have high staffing ratios, each teacher is able to quickly identify any requirements for additional support on an on-going basis throughout the year.

Staff meetings are held at the end of each day to allow the opportunity for any areas of concern to be brought to the attention of the Leadership Team. Parents may then be contacted by telephone at the end of the school day.

Reports are sent home weekly and parents are actively encouraged to keep in regular contact with the school by appointment or telephone.

Our recording process allows us to report accurately upon all pupils’ progress in reviewing statements of Special Educational Need, Individual Behaviour Plans or Individual Education Plans at the end of each Key Stage and on a termly basis.

An annual review is held once a year to discuss each child’s progress, their current areas of special needs and any additional needs which have been identified.

 If a parent/carer thinks their child has developed additional needs and may require alternative support, we advise that you phone the school office in the first instance on 0151 652 8071; arrangements can then be made for a senior member of staff to contact you.


2. How will Kilgarth staff support my child?

 It is recognised that it is particularly important to make appropriate adjustments to make learning accessible to all pupils. This involves close co-operation with staff supporting pupils with these problems.

Each class has a high staff:pupil ratio. The teaching staff, supported by teaching assistants, create the appropriate climate for learning within the classroom and assess the abilities and personalities of the pupils in each group in order to organise and plan lessons appropriately. Additional staff are on duty outside the classroom to provide 1:1 support as required.

A Pupil Centred Profile (PCP) is completed for each pupil. This form records what your child likes and dislikes as well as what he finds difficult. It then records the appropriate intervention strategies for teaching him.   Conditions noted on the PCP include: Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism and ODD. Staff are trained to use the appropriate support measures with regular training sessions held during the academic year.

Kilgarth also uses the the PASS questionnaire (Pupil Attitudes to Self and School). PASS provides a measure of a student’s attitudes to learning and provides us with a baseline data which enables staff to support effective planning and use the appropriate intervention programmes.

The school endeavours to encourage good habits of work and behaviour from the moment a pupil arrives at school.  All staff are expected to promote self-discipline amongst pupils and to deal appropriately with any unacceptable behaviour. Rewards are applied fairly and consistently.

Kilgarth operates a behaviour management policy  based on pupil responsibility, choice and post incident learning opportunities.  The system is based on neuroscientific research and is backed by a comprehensive rewards system.

Personal achievement sheets are used to record progress based on:

Getting on with others
Creating a positive working environment
Behaviour target
Learning target

Daily scores are recorded and converted into an overall percentage, and house points allocated accordingly.  Additional house points are given out for, eg,  exceptional work, manners, acts of kindness and positivity. Students who earn the most house points are acknowledged on a weekly basis, and rewards trips take place every half term with a special trip for the overall house winner at the end of the academic year. Further details are provided in our Behaviour Management policy.

The Leadership Team has a responsibility to ensure that the organisation of the school day supports good teaching and the timetable is reviewed daily.

Staff meetings are held at the end of each day to allow the opportunity for any areas of concern to be brought to the attention of the Leadership Team. Phone calls home are regularly made after the meetings if it is felt that the support of parents/carers is needed, even if it is to ask you to give praise.

An annual review is held once a year to discuss your child’s progress, their current areas of special needs and any additional needs which have been identified.

Literacy and numeracy interventions are in place and we also use an online programme, Lexia, which monitors and records progress. Referrals for additional in school support are on-going.

In KS4, pupils are considered for our Flexible Programme. The aim of this programme is to provide a balanced, individually tailored curriculum for pupils. Each student will have access to a personal tutor and a wide range of Vocational courses and activities.

With the agreement of parents/carers, Kilgarth uses the services of CAMHS, a Speech and Language Therapist, and an Educational Psychologist. These services provide 1:1 support. If your child needs expert support from an outside agency such as a Paediatrician or a Family Support worker, a referral will be made, with your consent.

The Governors at Kilgarth School are responsible for the overseeing of all procedures in school. Governors are regularly in school.


 3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

 Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and includes all the mainstream subject areas. Differing teaching and learning methods and materials are used in all courses to suit pupils’ different needs and preferred learning styles.

Access to the curriculum is important to ensure we get it right for children with Literacy and Numeracy difficulties and the school uses a wide variety resources to facilitate access to the curriculum, including: Lexia software , reading rulers, coloured overlays and iPad apps.

Conditions are in place for pupils with Special Educational Needs and disabilities to thrive. It is recognised that it is particularly important to encourage aspiration and to make appropriate adjustments to make learning accessible. This involves close co-operation with staff supporting pupils with these problems.

A Pupil Centred Profile (PCP) is completed for each pupil at Kilgarth. This form records what your child likes and dislikes as well as what he finds difficult. It then records the appropriate intervention strategies for teaching him.   Conditions noted on the PCP include: Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, ODD, Aspergers and Dyspraxia. Staff are trained to use the appropriate support measures with regular training sessions held during the academic year.

Cognitive Abilities Tests (CATS) are also carried out in school to evaluate your child’s ability to manipulate and reason information, which plays an important part in human thought. Any hard information that enables teachers better to understand the abilities of their pupils should operate to those pupils’ advantage. A pupil’s reasoning scores will enable more effective teaching, learning programmes and interventions to be designed. Children also benefit from CAT scores enabling teachers to set better targets containing the right degree of challenge.


4. How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

We recognise and value the contribution that parents make to their children’s education. Accordingly, we endeavour to develop outstanding working relationships with parents as partners in their child’s social, emotional, behavioural and educational development. Key to the sharing of information is the atmosphere and culture of the school, which is open and welcoming, and allows parents and pupils to feel comfortable and confident when discussing sensitive issues.

The following is an outline of principles that the school upholds:

  • A daily telephone call is made during the pupil’s first week to reassure parents and begin communication on a positive note
  • Regular telephone calls are made to highlight positive aspects of pupil’s behaviour and progress. These are crucial in establishing and maintaining good relationships between pupils, parents/carers and the school.
  • Regular comments regarding work, behaviour and attitude are made by all staff, teaching, non-teaching, permanent and temporary, and logged in profiles that are sent home to parents/carers weekly.
  • Profiles are positive whenever possible, detailing problems and how these were resolved.

We try always to work alongside parents and encourage their support. Contact is made:

  • To support parents and to remind them of meetings.
  • To invite parents’ support for school strategies.
  • When serious incidents occur.

All parents are actively encouraged to come in to school by appointment to discuss their son’s progress with staff.  The opportunities for this are:

  • Annual meetings to review Individual Education Plans
  • Supper Club if your child chooses this after-school activity
  • Leavers’ Assembly
  • At other times at parents’/school’s request

Assessment data is sent home termly to show progress made. At the end of each year you will receive a written report outlining progress made over the year and targets for your child to aim for the following year.


5. What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?

 Your child’s well-being and emotional health is as important as their academic progress.

At Kilgarth we aim to create a caring child-centred environment where pupils are encouraged to learn new skills and overcome personal difficulties, also to help individual pupils to manage their behaviour.

Kilgarth obtained Investors in People Gold Accreditation in June 2013.

Our 2015 Ofsted report noted the “exceptional atmosphere” in school and the “non-confrontational” approach that we have adopted to support pupils’ behaviour for learning. It was also acknowledged that skilled planning of lessons takes pupils emotional well-being into account.

The role of the form tutor is to support pupils in their engagement with the school and the curriculum; and the provision of a structured, caring environment encourages pupils to be well behaved.

Staff at Kilgarth School are also form tutors and exercise their pastoral responsibilities for all pupils at all times of the school day and often during out-of-school times.

Parental involvement is valued and encouraged and all staff make every effort to involve parents/carers in their child’s school life.

The school uses its links with other agencies to effect a smooth transition for pupils post-16. The school celebrates the success of pupils and staff.

Preventing bullying, including cyber-bullying and homophobic bullying, is a priority for Kilgarth School and no racial harassment or racist incidents will be tolerated.

High staffing levels enable additional time as required to support the emotional well-being of individual children.

 The school offers a wide variety of pastoral support for pupils who encountering emotional difficulties:

  •  Ms Westlake, Headteacher, and Mr Griffiths, Deputy Headteacher,  take overall responsibility for pastoral care and liaise with agencies if extra support is required.
  •  Teachers and Teaching Assistants are readily available to discuss issues and concerns.
  •  There are designated, trained mentors available to work with pupils.
  •  Teaching and Learning Staff supervise throughout lunchtime to support children who find them challenging and special attention is paid to seating arrangements.
  •  Pupil Centred Profiles.

If a pupil has a medical need, our School Nurse will compile a health plan in consultation with parents/carers.

Nearly every member of staff at Kilgarth has received First Aid training. In agreement with parents/carers, medicines are administered in school but only where a signed medical consent form is in place to ensure the safety of both child and staff member.

We have a  defibrillator on site which our first aiders have been trained to use if required

All staff have been trained in Team Teach de-escalation techniques and receive refresher training when needed. Positive handling is used as a last resort to support a child’s behaviour and only when the child is putting themselves or others at risk. Two members of staff are accredited Team Teach trainers. Five members of staff have undertaken Senior Designated Person training.

We pride ourselves on how we promote children’s well- being and emotional health at Kilgarth.


6. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

 Senior leaders, teachers and teaching assistants are highly skilled in meeting the individual learning, emotional, behavioural and social needs of our children. The school accesses a range of specialist services including:

  •  School Nurse
  •  Speech and Language Therapist
  •  Educational Psychologists
  •  Clinical Psychologist
  •  Multi-sensory Team
  •  Parent support agencies
  •  Social services – Wirral Gateway
  •  Social Care Family Support Worker
  •  Paediatricians
  •  Wired/Parent Partnership
  •  Wirral Autistic Society
  •  Children and Adult Mental Health Services
  •  Minority Ethnic Achievement Service (MEAS)
  •  Special Educational Needs Assessment Advice Team (SENAAT)


7. What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?

 Teachers at Kilgarth are specialists in teaching children with SEN and regularly provide behaviour management training for other schools and Merseyside Police. All staff, both teachers and teaching assistants, receive regularly updated training in Team Teach and we have systems and training in place to effectively safeguard children. Kilgarth School is also working towards National Autistic Society Accreditation.

Different members of staff have received training related to SEND including sessions on:

  •  Autism
  •  Social Communication Difficulties
  •  Speech and Language
  •  Dyslexia
  •  Dyscalculia
  • Behaviour Management
  •  Social Emotional and Mental Health Needs
  •  First Aid


8. How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

 Parents are asked to give permission for their child to participate in activities in support of the curriculum eg visits to local museums etc. Risk assessments are completed in respect of activities and events off-site. Pupils are encouraged to meet their behaviour targets in order to take part in the events and this forms part of the risk assessment.

End of term trips form part of the reward processes and we try to find trips that will give incentives for good behaviour.

Our ethos at Kilgarth is to create an environment within which pupils are provided with experiences and opportunities such as school trips that will help them develop the necessary skills to make informed and reasonable choices about their behaviour.


9. How accessible is the school environment?

 Kilgarth is a single story building and fully accessible. We have an enabled toilet. Designated teaching assistants are trained to support in the Science Lab, the Design Technology room and the Food Technology room and this enables all students to access lessons in these subjects. A multi-use games area has recently been constructed which enhances sports and social activities for all pupils at Kilgarth.


10. How will the school prepare and support my child when joining Kilgarth School or transferring to a new school?

 Parents and children are welcome to look around Kilgarth at any time to see our provision and determine whether you feel that we can meet the needs of your child.

 The papers we receive from the LA Education Department include a report from the Educational Psychologist which gives us detailed information about your child. Once a place is agreed, we invite you and your son/ward to visit the school if you have not already had an opportunity. Paperwork is then completed with parents/carers in a meeting with a member of our Senior Leadership Team.

Two induction days are held for all Year 6 pupils in the Summer term prior to transfer to secondary school, to give them an opportunity to meet their new class teacher and class mates and we offer phased integration timetables for pupils who start mid-term or if they feel anxious about joining a new school.

Transport needs to be arranged via the Transport Department and if you have any concerns about this, we are happy to assist you.


11. How are Kilgarth’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

 Each child receives support matched to their own level of special educational need. This will vary across each day and throughout time in our school, as the level of support is

directly related to their individual needs and circumstances.


12. How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive?

 When children whose SEN circumstances indicate that additional support may be required, discussions are held at the end of day and/or start of day staff briefings to determine what this may be. Additional support may be provided within the classroom and may be targeted at specific times. If evidence suggests that even higher levels of support, such as 1:1, would be beneficial this is agreed by senior leaders. In extreme situations, additional support would be requested from the Local Authority.


 13. How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?

 All parents are encouraged to contribute to their child’s education through:

  • Secondary transition meetings.
  • Discussions with class teacher or Senior Leadership Team.
  • Annual reviews.
  • End of Year 9 Transition Plans.
  • Discussions with other professionals.
  • Phone calls or other meetings as required .


14.  Who can I contact for further information or if I have any issues or concerns?

 If a parent/carer has any issues or concerns relating to their child’s education or welfare, we encourage them not to wait for the next formal opportunity to meet but to contact us on an on-going basis. Senior members of staff are always available to talk outside of teaching hours or an appointment can be made for a mutually convenient time. Please telephone the school office in the first instance on 652 8071 so that arrangements can be made.

 If you feel your matter has still not been dealt with you can follow the procedures outlined in our School Complaints policy, which is available on request.