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Useful links supporting parents that are linked to the education career programme

Gatsby Benchmarks

Good Career Guidance – An overview of the Gatsby Benchmarks.

A visual summary of GBMs

General Resources

National Careers Service E-Pack – Parent Resources, Pages 72-81.

General advice and transition support.

Labour Market Information

Growth Platform – LCR Growth Sectors.

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority – Free careers resources for each of LCR’s key growth sectors.

Where the Work Is – Regional LMI.

Careerometer widget

Higher Education

Shaping Futures, Parent/Carer Hub


Transition Support

Post 16 Options

Training Opportunities

Be More – Apprenticeship support across Liverpool City Region.

Amazing Apprenticeships, Parent Resources

Success at School, Parent Zone


Virtual Transition Support for SEND Students in Liverpool City Region

Preparing for Adulthood

EHC Plan – If your child has an EHC Plan, reference the Year 9 annual review which focuses on preparing pupils for adulthood and sets targets to help students prepare for post-16 options.

Local council support for students with SEND