The Saviour School
Within this building lies a school
that’s quite unlike another,
where every teacher is our parent,
each pupil is our brother.
It brings us light in times of dark
and smooths down stormy seas.
It gives us freedom to be us
yet mind our Qs and Ps;
It builds back up what life’s torn down,
it nurtures as we grow.
It guides us in the right direction,
when wrong it tells us no.
It laughs at those who write us off
and proves the world it’s wrong.
Our heads hung low when we arrived,
our young backs bent by heavy loads.
We soon stand tall when we realise
this school is truly home.
(written by Harry’s Mum)
We are very grateful to Harry’s Mum for sharing her poetry with us. Harry recently left Kilgarth as a year 11 student and we hope new pupils will be encouraged by his Mum’s thoughtful words.
‘Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity.’ William Wordsworth