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WEB Merseyside – Family Toolbox

WEB Merseyside is a charity based in the North End of Birkenhead –  also part of the Family Toolbox.

Please find below details of  courses and services they run that might be suitable for students and also parents.

WEB provides a range of ‘in-house & community training’ to young people; working with primary, secondary and Wirral hospital schools.   The ultimate aim of all our training is to increase confidence, self esteem, communication skills, anger management and coping skills that supports young people to develop into happy and well adjusted adults who achieve in life.

Please click on the links below to access services provided: is a free online hub to help Wirral families be the strongest they can be.

Because life doesn’t come with a manual. We’re here to help in those moments when you realise why they say raising kids is the hardest job in the world.

It’s been designed by Wirral parents and carers to make your life easier. Itʼs full of videos, tips and ideas – things you can fill your toolbox with and make use of when you need to – so that you can be the best parent for your kids.