Our Governing Body
Term of office
start date
Term of office
end date
Mrs S Simmons MBE | Chair of Governors, Co-opted governor | 01.09.21 | 31.08.25 |
Mrs S Shaw | Vice-Chair and co-opted governor | 01.09.21 | 31.08.25 |
Mrs S Boggan | Vice-Chair and Co-opted governor | 07.02.22 | 08.02.26 |
Ms S Watkiss | Co-opted governor | 01.09.21 | 31.08.25 |
Ms J Merry | Co-opted governor | 01.09.21 | 31.08.25 |
Mr Adam Mellor | Co-opted governor | 01.09.24 | 31.08.28 |
Ms Frances Hardisty | Co-opted governor | 01.09.24 | 31.08.28 |
Vacancy | Co-opted governor | ||
Cllr S Whittingham | Local Authority governor | 01.09.21 | 31.08.25 |
Vacancy | Parent governor | ||
Vacancy | Parent governor | ||
Ms J Westlake | Headteacher governor, Kilgarth School | 01.09.22 | 31.08.26 |
Mrs K Brown | Headteacher governor, Gilbrook School | 01.09.22 | 31.08.26 |
Ms L Campbell | Staff governor | 01.09.21 | 31.08.25 |
Mr I Keeling | Staff governor | 01.09.21 | 31.08.25 |
If you wish to contact Mrs Simmons, Chair of Governors, please contact the school office on 0151 652 8071.
Please see our School Federation website: Aspire Schools Federation where you will find additional details about the governance of the school.