Kilgarth School aims to ensure its pupils have the skills to make a successful transition to adult and working life, and to be able to contribute to the economic and social well-being of their families and communities, despite difficulties they may experience.
We aim to help our pupils develop the skills to:
- to understand themselves and the influences on them
- to investigate opportunities in learning and work
- to make and adjust plans to manage change and transition
- be citizens who successfully play a full part in society
- be lifelong learners
- be economically aware and active
- understand enterprise in its widest sense
We aim to support our pupils to:
- follow courses and programmes that are appropriate to their ability and their longer term aspirations and needs
- have an understanding of the world of work and its demands
- be well prepared for the transition from education and training for work
- have clear ideas on individual, personalised goals for their future
Kilgarth’s Programme of Study
When developing Kilgarth’s programmes of study, careers teams have mapped against the CDI’s Career Development Framework and its six learning outcomes; how does it help clients grow throughout life, explore possibilities, manage their career, create opportunities, balance life and work and see the big picture. Each activity may develop different skills, but programmes ensure engagement with all of these learning areas. This is shown in the colour matching of the lessons.
Click here for Scheme of Learning - Year Groups 7 to 11