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Celebrating Success

In line with Kilgarth’s focus on rewards as opposed to sanctions, our half termly assemblies are an opportunity to celebrate pupils’ successes. In the last week of the Summer half
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Summer Holidays 2023

Thank you to all parents and carers for the support you have given to the school throughout the year.  We recently wished a fond farewell to all our Year 11

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Resources for parents/pupils page

We have updated the website pages under  Parents/Carers and Pupils\Information for parents and carers: 

  • Food Support Wirral
  • Holiday activities and Food Programme
  • Help with fuel bills

We hope you find … Read the rest

#Doinit4Dan and Water Aid

Along with players from Hoylake Rugby Club, our Maths teacher Mr Andy Cotgrave, is currently preparing to take on the challenge of breaking the world record for the … Read the rest