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Rules not Sanctions

‘We do have rules, we just don’t have sanctions’

Dr Alice Jones, Senior Lecturer and Director of Unit of School and Families

Over the last 6 months we have been working closely with Dr Alice Jones and her colleagues from the Psychology Department at Goldsmiths College, University of London.

Our goal is to devise a better system  to modify behaviour based on pupil responsibility, choice and post incident learning opportunities.  Our new system is being trialled this week and is based on cutting edge neuroscience and backed by a comprehensive rewards system.

Monday and Tuesday were team building days for the boys in their new houses – they had great fun with various challenges and activities including the Cube Challenge, Slip ‘n Slide and Crossbow Fire Challenge!   It’s back to lessons today with new daily Personal Achievement Sheets for each pupil and a rewards system based on the new houses.

Will it work? We think so and we are taking every possible step to maximise the chances. Watch this space.