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Enrichment activities and extra-curricular trips

Staff at Kilgarth continue to strive to offer a quality education for pupils in order to develop their character and motivation, and encourage them to pursue wider goals.

Our KS4 pupils recently had the opportunity to visit the Jaguar/Landrover plant in Halewood where they enjoyed a tour of the plant and were able to see state of the art machinery and robotics in operation.

Engagement activities and trips take place alongside after-school activities and reward trips.  During this final week of term, enrichment and/or reward activities include an opportunity to visit Chester Zoo and the chance to try rock-climbing at Awesome Walls.

Here are some of the term’s highlights so far in pictures:

Martial Arts
Stevie our mascot waiting for the Touch Rugby match to start, organised by Dallaglio Rugby works.
We won Rugby Works Team of the Day!
Visit to New Heath Care Home
Operation Christmas Child
MacMillan Coffee morning
Cycle training with Bikeability
Trip to Chester Fire Station