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Televised Event Sunday 26th October – Can we Turn Silver into Gold?

You may recall last May when Kilgarth School was awarded with an unprecedented three Silver Awards in the Pearson National Teaching Competition for:

        • Outstanding School Team of the Year led by Mr Steven Baker
        • Teaching Assistant of the Year , Mrs Helen Pullin
        • Outstanding New Teacher of the Year, Ms Jane Westlake.

          Mr Baker, leader of the 'Outstanding Team' with  Mrs Pullin, Ms Westlake & Mr Simpson.
          Mr Baker, leader of the ‘Outstanding Team’ with Mrs Pullin, Ms Westlake & Mr Simpson.

This Sunday evening, 26th October, our Kilgarth Silver winners will join fellow Silver winners at the UK final.

The event will be held at London’s Guildhall where a Gold Award will be identified from each of the 10 categories.  The ceremony will be filmed and broadcast by the BBC.

Best wishes to all for a wonderful evening!