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Photography Competition Winner Callan Swindles

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The prize-winning photo!

As an extension to the Art Curriculum, Mr McConnachie, our highly regarded Art teacher, encouraged pupils to submit photographs to a north west regional photography competition. Much to the delight of other pupils and staff, Callan won 1st prize!

The theme of the  competition was ‘Street Art’ and pupils were encouraged to take photographs of street art from interesting angles and viewpoints around the local area.

The critical skill required of a photographer is the ability to take a fabulous photo and this is clearly what Callan managed when he won first prize.




Photo comp 9 (2) CS
Callan, on the left, won 1st prize in the 11 to 16 category


Callan collected his prize from Astley Hall in Chorley, Lancashire on Sunday 18th May. His Mum and Mr McConnachie were there to see him being presented with a brand new camera.

Street art itself is a topical form of art with Banksy now recognised as one of the world’s most famous
street artists, his work selling for hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Rest assured, however, pupils at Kilgarth are taught to care for property and the environment!


Well done, Callan!