Mr Keeling recently accompanied a group of boys who had earned a reward trip to Manchester to the Imperial War Museum. They spent time exploring and finding out about the World Wars, decoding messages, experiencing conditions and discovering our history.
The trip tied in with our Never Again Project initiated by Mr Baker, Principal of the Aspire Schools Federation. Also board member of the charity, Remembering Srebenica, Mr Baker strongly believes that the power of language can influence the future and he is collecting inspirational quotations to create a book.
“We need to inspire the younger generation and the wider community. We want to help people understand that together we can play our part, no matter how large or small, to create a better and safer society for all; we can make a difference in the fight against discrimination, promotion of hatred, extremism and exclusion”.
S Baker
Lord Agnew recently visited the school and inspired us with his contribution:
“Very few combatants remain alive to remind us of what happened and why. So it falls to my generation to educate and so ensure that nothing like it happens again. Following on from the words spoken by a pupil at Gilbrook school – ‘Kindness, love and laughter are infectious – don’t try to cure them’ – I would like to go further and say …. because they are the best antibiotic to combat bigotry and hate “.
Lord Agnew