1. Be realistic. You’re not a teacher and nobody expects you to be one! Your children will not get through the same amount of learning as they would on a normal school day.
2. Provide structure. Children are used to structure at school and react well to it.
- set daily learning times – stick to them
- create a timetable – get your children to help you
- stick your timetable on the wall
- start learning as close to normal school times as you can
3. Set aside a ‘working space’ in your home if you can.
4. Make sure everybody does some exercise.
- Use the PE lesson from Joe Wicks every day (see link on pupil pages of school website)
- get outside for some fresh air and exercise once a day
- if you have a garden then make sure you use it
5. Build regular breaks into your routine.
6. Make sure you stay in touch. Get your children to contact loved ones. You could ask them to read to grandparents over skype. They could photograph a story they have written.