House points have now been counted and verified following our return to school after half term. The results show that Team Evolve is currently in the lead with 3,361 points, with Team Pyro trailing closely behind with 3,217.
There’s still plenty of time for things to change though, since students have until the end of the Summer term before the winning house is declared for this academic year – a budget has been set aside to spend on a chosen house activity or trip.
Pupils achieve scores in lessons based on their individual behaviour and learning targets as well as other factors including their ability to create a positive working environment. These scores are then converted into an overall percentage with house points allocated accordingly. Additional house points are given out for exceptional work, manners, acts of kindness and positivity, amongst other attributes. Students who earn the most house points are acknowledged in some special way on a weekly basis, and reward trips take place every half term.
It was good to welcome back Dr Alice Jones today from the Psychology Department at Goldsmiths, University of London. We have worked in partnership with Dr Alice and her colleagues to implement our innovative new rewards system. She was able to meet with our students and see what progress has been made at Kilgarth – a school which has rules but no sanctions.