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HMS Astute


During the first half of the Spring term, our affiliates from HMS Astute took advantage of their time onshore to visit pupils and staff at Kilgarth.  The officers combined their trip with a visit to the Wirral Mayor’s office for a reception in honour of their visit and also the Liverpool University Royal Naval Unit.

We were first to host on the day and were delighted to take up their offer of a challenge to a 5 a side football tournament.  The team from HMS Astute proved worthy adversaries but after several hours of intense sport (but few fouls), the final result was a draw.

Having been described as “more complex than the space shuttle” and the lead ship in its class, the Captain of HMS Astute has recently reported to us that the intense operational sea training has now been completed and that they are now an operational submarine currently deployed in the Mediterranean.

The visit provided an excellent opportunity to share our respective news and we are proud to have this link with the Royal Navy.
