The links on the website home page will take you to the work set for our pupils to do remotely each week due to the Coronativus restictions and we recommend that you do these first. However, we have discovered some very good additional resources to help students – please see links below:
The National Literacy Trust – links to activities that support literacy
Link to Free Audible Stories:
Hundreds of maths games
Jane Goodall Institute/Roots and Shoots
P.E. with Joe Wicks
Joe will be taking over from Mr Pritchard and Ms Macready if you’re at home. Joe is streaming live Monday to Friday at 9am on his you tube channel P.E. with Joe/The Body
The Princes Trust
The Trust has pulled together some helpful online resources for teachers, tutors and parents on how to support children and young people through this challenging time. response/resource centre
The Oak National Academy Online Classroom and Resource Hub
This online classroom is a collaboration between teachers and organisations across the country to provide lessons while schools remain closed for the majority of pupils. (Pupils should already be familiar with these daily activities when completing their weekly work from home).
BBC Bitesize
Three new lessons every weekday with videos, activities and more. You might like to see David Attenborough teaching Geography for a change but remember your teachers are still here for you and work is being set weekly. (Pupils should already be familiar with these daily activities when completing their weekly work from home).
Careers advice and resources for years 10 and 11
The Start Programme offers free activities and careers resources: Home Learning Activities
You will need a Start account to login, but you can easily self-register when you start the activities. If you have any questions, please contact
Panoramic views of iconic locations, cultural events and space exploration
Bear Grylls’ list of 100 things to do indoors.
Get the free 30 day trial to make your own amazing comics
Free craft printables for kids
Lots of activities and free audiobooks
Panoramic views of iconic locations, cultural events and space exploration
Create stories, games and animations on this site
Allows you to draw on and annotate google maps
Free activities during school closure
A virtual zoo where you can play games, solve puzzles and build your own animals
A dictionary like no other. Type a word into the top bar to see it visualised in a brand new way.
Wikipedia, just easier to understand
Life Skills- Learn about the workings of Parliament
Play What’s it like to be an MP?
Learn about the work and role of MPs, and how they balance their time between the House of Commons and their constituency in this fast paced online game.
Play the game
Visit UK Parliament online with our 360° virtual tour. Explore the Palace of Westminster and see where key events take place.
Stand at the despatch box in the House of Commons, find out about the House of Lords and explore Central Lobby.
Free e-book access from Pearson UK
To help you continue learning while the schools are closed, Pearson UK are giving free access to e-books for KS3 and GCSE student books.
Links to Learning Pages from Edgehill University
The resources shared below have come from a range of sources. Some will have been shared by lecturers or schools and others by parents. They are offering them in the spirit of supporting learning in lots of different ways. These are suggestions and you will be able to select what works for you.