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Literacy and Numeracy

In 2022 we achieved reaccreditation for our commitment to improving the basic skills of pupils. As a school we have held this award for 10 years. The award quality assures all aspects of our commitment to the strands listed below:

  1. A whole school strategy and planning to improve performance in basic skills.
  2. An analysis of the assessment of pupil performance in basic skills.
  3. Target setting for the improvement of the school’s performance in basic skills.
  4. Basic skills improvement planning for pupils under-attaining and/or underachieving
  5. Regular review of the progress made by pupils under-attaining and/or underachieving.
  6. A commitment to improving the skills of staff to teach and extend basic skills.
  7. The use of a range of teaching approaches and learning styles to improve basic skills.
  8. The use of appropriate teaching and learning materials to improve basic skills.
  9. The involvement of parents and carers in developing their children’s basic skills.
  10. An effective procedure for monitoring planning and assessing improvement in performance in basic skills.